
The Best Heroes to Invest in for Every Stage of Epic Seven


Epic Seven is arguably the most aesthetically pleasing mobile RPG out there, complete with intricate storylines, character design, and hard-hitting difficulty. Well, it's not very different from other RPGs, mainly since knowing which heroes to invest in will basically outline whether someone's in-game journey is full of success or frustration. Through this article, we'll point out some of the best heroes that are worth investing time into over the many different stages of this Epic Seven experience.

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Early Game: Emphasize Stability and Survivability

For a beginner in Epic Seven, the game introduces a wide array of heroes that one can summon, but the player should focus on a few core heroes who could help them clear early dungeons and quests without much hassle.

  1. Baal & Sezan
  • Role: DPS
  • Why Invest? Baal & Sezan provides a balanced kit that excels at both offense and defense, useful for early game content. Their AOE will clear waves of enemies efficiently; their support skills keep your team alive.
  1. Vildred
  • Role: DPS
  • Why Invest? Vildred is a powerhouse of a DPS hero who has really high speed and attack, and he is highly desirable to clear the early stages of the game as fast as possible. His passive skill, upon dying, revives him with some additional turns-which means one never gets without their primary damage dealer.
  1. Aramintha
  • Role: Support
  • Why Invest? Aramintha provides healing and strong crowd control, making her one of the best heroes for handling early-game bosses and waves of enemies. She has solid sustainability, making her a great pick for beginners.
  1. Ruele of Light
  • Role: Healer/Support
    Why Invest? Early in the game, having a reliable healer is important. Ruele of Light is one of those healers that can also give buffs of damage reduction for your team, so early investments in her will set your team up for living during longer fights.

Mid-Game: Time to Build Around Synergy

By the time you reach mid-game, you will have unlocked features such as harder dungeons and higher-level arena battles. By this time, you will want heroes that not only have high stats but also complement one another to maximize synergy among your team.

  1. Luluca
  • Role: DPS
  • Why Invest? Luluca shines in crowd control and single target damage: freezing and stunning enemies. This alone makes her one of the better options in both dungeons and the Arena since crowd control wins tougher matches there.
  1. Sez
  • Role: DPS
  • Why Invest? Sez is quite a decent attacker during the mid-game because of his high burst potential. With his high speed, he is the perfect candidate to apply bleeding on enemies, hence highly recommended for both boss killing and quick stage clearing.
  1. Tamarinne
  • Role: Support
  • Why Invest? Tamarinne well, she's a great support hero who heals and buffs allies while providing a lot of utility, all without sacrificing offensive presence. She will go a long way in helping you progress at mid-game stages where survivability and offense need to be balanced.
  1. Sol
  • Role: Support/Healer
  • Why Invest? Sol heals and buffs to make her an integral piece to any mid game roster. She is able to resurrect fallen heroes and provide an incredible amount of value when looking to complete some of the tougher content.

Late Game: Focus on Endgame Content and PVP

As soon as you are in the late game, you will start focusing more on endgame content such as Raids, Abyss, World Bosses, and PvP in the Arena. Here, you will want to shift your focus to heroes that can do high-difficulty content with consistency in competitive situations.

  1. Landy
  • Role: DPS
  • Why Invest? Landy is a premier damage dealer in Epic Seven, performing very well in both PVE and PVP scenarios. Thanks to her AoE damage, high-speed scaling, and great synergy with speed-based teams, Landy can be used for most endgame content.
  1. Aol
  • Role: Support
  • Why Invest? Aol is a must-have support hero in the late game, as he provides speed buffs and has an amazing ability that scales your team's effectiveness very highly in both PvP and PvE. His utility ensures fast, smooth runs in endgame content.
  1. Rem
  • Role: DPS
  • Why Invest? Rem shines in endgame content because she can provide consistent damage, an added effect of a debuff cleanse, and a really useful team-wide buff. Fast and heavy on damage, making her one of the best picks for high-difficulty bosses.
  1. Ravi
  • Role: DPS/Tank
  • Why Invest? Ravi is a very durable, strong DPS hero who can heal herself and deal heavy damage to enemies. This makes her very self-sustaining and capable of high offense, thus becoming a very viable hero for the endgame, especially during the fights against high-damaging bosses.

Conclusion: Strategic Investment Leads to Success

Picking which heroes to focus resources on at each stage in the game allows progression through said content in Epic Seven. More specifically, early into the game, clear content and make survivability a first priority; come mid-game, search for solid synergy along with higher damages; and in the end-game, try to find something that does well for you in PvP and end-game PvE content.

Invest wisely in these heroes to have a conquering team for all the challenges thrown at you in Epic Seven. With the right mixture of offense, defense, and utility, you are well on your way to mastering the game.

Happy gaming!

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